TIP 365:
Buoys are hard to spot in open water. Instead (try to) navigate on something big on the horizon behind the buoy
Even though it is summer, it can be windy and wavy during the swim. This can make it hard to navigate on the buoys that mark the swim course. If it is not already hard for us to do so. Although there is only one in the lead, navigating is important for all of us. In the end you want to swim as straight as possible to get back on the shore the as few meters as possible with the best swim split.
A really easy way to do so is to look for big objects on the shores in line with the swim course. Think of buildings, trees or gaps in between these two.
A really easy way to do so is to look for big objects on the horizon (shores in most races) in line with the swim course. Or at least as close to the lines as possible, it is still easier to navigate just left of that big object than it is on the small buoy you can’t spot. Think of buildings, trees or gaps in between these two. These are much easier to spot while navigation during the swim. Is the swim course in open seas? Then navigating out on something at the shore is (of course) impossible, but on the way back in you can use this navigation for sure. Just swim out before the start and look for your object to navigate on.
Good luck racing!
Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash
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